How to Enhance Brand Exposure with TikTok- Guide for Beginners!

3 min readSep 14, 2021


Flashback to the time when TikTok was first introduced, who thought it would become hot amongst brands. TikTok, a Chinese social media network, has swept millions of people and created an opportunity for brands to make a breakthrough in terms of sales. TikTok stemmed from an app that was called, which was a platform to share short videos, lip-sync and dance with famous pop songs. Well, TikTok is no different but goes in a slightly different direction. If you are a beginner and have no idea how to increase followers on TikTok or how to promote your business on the video-sharing platform, this blog is for you!

How to Promote your Brand on TikTok?

When marketing your brand on TikTok, remember the golden rule. Gen Z dominates the platform, and if your content is not branded towards them, you won’t achieve the brand goal. Your content must be humorous, informative, and entertaining. Content must be natural and not an invasion of space. One, you understand this; next, you can start marketing on TikTok.

3 Key Methods of Marketing on TikTok

Create an Account and Post Right Away

The best way to market your brand is to create your account and post fresh content. While doing so, take note of three things: the app’s history, the user base, and the accessibility of the content. Lookout for your competitors, see what they are doing to gain a following. You can create trends around your account to spread the word about your brand.

Others can Also Create for you

Yes, you heard it right! You can encourage users to post about your products online with a hashtag or a QR code. If you own a shop, make sure your TikTok username is visible; only then will your customers post about their experience. Take part in hashtag challenge, paste the hashtag on the package of your products or the menu at your restaurant and ask customers to follow the challenge. If executed properly, this is the best marketing tool out there!

Make use of Influencers

Struggling to create exciting content for the Gen Z customers? Fret not! It’s time to start collaborating with influencers to increase sales on TikTok. Collaborating with influencers is a tried and tested technique to boost your followers. You have to do nothing; it’s the influencers who will do the work for you.

In addition to the above-enlisted points, you can also run TikTok Ads to makes sales and boost your business on the popular video-sharing platform.




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